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  • Máy giám sát môi trường DumoPro / Sintrol

  • Mã sản phẩm : Máy giám sát môi trường DomoPro / Sintrol VietNam


    Email: sale11@tmpvietnam.com


    Mô tả: Đại lý phân phối hãng SINTROL tại Việt Nam


    Tình trạng: Mới 100%


    Giá: Liên hệ

  • Thông Tin Sản Phẩm
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 Máy giám sát môi trường DomoPro



New and Improved continuous ambient air dust monitor for industrial environments.

Sintrol DumoPro is a powerful tool for measuring dust concentration in industrial environments because of its high sensitivity to total suspended particles. The field-proven state-of-the-art measurement technology is tolerant to sensor contamination making it reliable in a wide variety of dust detection applications. DumoPro utilizes the Sintrol Inductive Electrification technology providing a wide measuring range.

The robustness of DumoPro makes it a safe choice for dust monitoring in rugged industrial environments. Common industries are flour and sugar mills, mining, wood products, grain handling, chemical, power plants, or any bulk and powder handling facility. Some common applications include health & hygiene, equipment safety, good housekeeping, helping mitigate the risk of dust explosions, HazLoc monitoring, and the detection of unwanted events.


* Funcition:

  • The Auto Setup function is a unique Sintrol Dust Monitor feature that allows for a simple user-friendly setup. During the Auto Setup procedure which is done in normal process conditions, the dust monitor will automatically adapt to the present conditions and set the measuring range and alarms accordingly.



  • DumoPro can be managed and parameterized with the DustTool PC Software. This offers a convenient platform to view the measurement results, initiate the Auto Setup, and adjust the parameters of the monitor.





  • Low maintenance real-time 24/7 trend monitoring in key areas to detect and alarm of dust events
  • Fast response to changes in process conditions
  • DumoPro utilizes Sintrols proven measuring technology



  • Early detection of dust leaks
  • Workplace dust level monitoring
  • Equipment and worker protection
  • Supervision of hazardous locations
  • Help mitigate the risk of dust explosions
  • Help control unwanted dust accumulations
  • Internal self-check to assure validity of measurement




















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